To vote in the NOVEMBER 5, 2024, ELECTION, submit your Texas Voter Registration Application by 5:00PM on OCTOBER 7, 2024.
Frio County Voter Registration Card
Application for Ballot By Mail began January 1, 2024. The application is considered submitted at the time of receipt.
Frio County Application for Ballot By Mail
Annual application for ballot by mail must be requested EVERY year.
Application for ballot by mail MUST be received NO LATER than 5:00PM on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2024, to be eligible for the NOVEMBER 5, 2024, ELECTION. Last day for early voting clerk to receive applications for a ballot to be voted by mail. (Sec.84.007 (c)) All applications to vote by mail must be received by the early voting clerk before the close of regular business.
Applications for registration and ABBM may be picked up at:
Frio County Elections' Office
650 E. San Antonio St.
Pearsall, TX 78061
All applications shall be mailed to:
Sylvia Santos
Frio County Election Administrator/Early Voting Clerk
500 East San Antonio Street, Box 5
Pearsall, Texas 78061 – 3145
For Military & Overseas Voters, more info can be found at FVAP.
Dear Frio County Voters:
If you have chosen to cast your ballot by mail, I would like to share with you information about the process of voting by mail. Under the law, applications (copies or originals) to vote by mail do not become a public record until the first business day after the Election Day. In recent years, certain campaigns have tried to identify and influence voters casting a ballot from home. When you vote by mail, you may take the following steps to protect your ballot and your vote:
- Know your rights as a voter: You have the right to vote for the candidates of your choice. You have the right to mark your own ballot or to receive assistance with reading or marking your ballot from a person you know and trust. Your vote is secret. You do not have to tell anyone how or for whom you voted. If a person assists you with reading or marking your ballot, it is a crime for that person to reveal how or for whom you voted.
- Be careful about assistance: No one should help you with your ballot, unless you cannot read the language written on the ballot or unless you have a disability that makes you unable to write or to see. If one of these conditions applies to you, we recommend that you ask a family member or trusted friend for assistance with your ballot. The person assisting you must mark your ballot according to your instruction and cannot suggest how you should vote. The assistant must place his or her name, address, and signature on the carrier envelope.
- Mail your own ballot: If you can’t get to the mailbox to mail your own ballot, give your ballot to a family member or trusted friend to mail for you. Do not accept offers from strangers to mail your ballot for you. Texas law prohibits voted ballots from being delivered by common or contract carrier from campaign headquarters.